On Thursday dawn, Israeli soldiers invaded and ransacked many homes across the occupied West Bank, including the occupied capital Jerusalem, and abducted at least ten Palestinians.

In occupied Jerusalem, the soldiers invaded Silwan town, south of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and abducted Baha’ Abu Hamam and Ala’ Abu Tayeh from their homes.  After ordering them under house arrest for three days, the soldiers later release the two.

In Addition, the army invaded the Al-Isawiya town northeast of Jerusalem and abducted a young man from his home.

The soldiers also invaded the Al-Ezariyya town, southeast of Jerusalem, searched homes, and abducted Ahmad Damdoum.

In Ramallah, in the occupied West Bank’s central part, the soldiers invaded Kafr Ni’ma village, west of the city, and searched a few homes before abducting two young men, Ahmad Abu ‘Aadi and Mohammad Abu Warda.

In Hebron, in the occupied West Bank’s southern part, the soldiers abducted Anwar Taleb Najjar from his home, east of Yatta town, south of the city.

In Qalqilia, in the northwestern West Bank, the soldiers searched a few homes and abducted Mo’men Assem Nazzal, 22.

In Sielet Ath-Thaher town, northwest of Jenin, the soldiers searched several homes and abducted a young man, Mohammad Hisham Atiya.

The soldiers also invaded Toura village, west of Jenin, and abducted a young man, Mojahed Mohammad Qabaha, from his home.